Job Seeker

Personalize the way you work.

Connect to jobs and receive curated job matches from employers who are committed to creating diverse and inclusive teams.

The Inclusively Approach

Create a free profile

Complete your profile with work experience, education, skill set, accommodations & more.

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Find & connect to

Search and connect to jobs with employers who are actively working to attract and retain diverse talent and create truly inclusive workplaces.

Personalized job matches

Receive curated job recommendations based on your work experience, skills, and job connections.

Image or several pac people representing candidate talent pools

Engaging Community

Benefit from support and networking with other job seekers, advocates and employers in our Community.

Our Job Seekers

We’re proud to support job seekers who benefit from workplace accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Mental Health

Anxiety, Depression, Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, OCD, Eating disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Chronic Illness

Lupus, Cancer, Lyme Disease, Diabetes, Asthma, Long COVID, Chronic arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic migraines, Bleeding disorders, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s


Paraplegia, Limb difference, Amputee, Spina bifida, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Cerebral palsy (CP), Dwarfism


Hearing loss, d/Deaf, Hard of hearing


Blind, Legally blind, Low vision, Color vision deficiency (CVD)


Autism, ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Tourette’s syndrome (TS), Epilepsy, Sensory processing disorder (SPD), Synesthesia


Stuttering, Apraxia, Mutism, Dysarthria

Cognitive & Intellectual

Down syndrome, developmental disabilities, memory loss,
Learning disabilities

Discover your tools for success.

Our platform empowers you to personalize your job search and self-select the accommodations that you need to be successful in both the interview and on the job, while also allowing you to filter inclusive employers who are transparent about the accommodations they provide.

Workplace accommodations, or as we call them, Success Enablers, help job seekers who benefit from accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Examples include screen readers, remote work, service animals, accessible parking and entrances, braille signage, and dozens more.

Accessible Building
Accessible Digital Content
Accessible Furniture
Accessible Tools & Materials
Apps for Wellness & Success
Communication Modifications
Communication Services and Communication Support
Computer Hardware, Software, and Related Devices
Interview & Hiring
Job Location Modifications
Other Assistance and Support
Schedule Modifications
Service and Support Animals
Task Modification

Do you feel that your interview process would benefit from a specific Success Enabler?

Great news – we have those as well.

Why use Inclusively?

It’s the most personalized job hiring experience, built with accessibility and inclusion as a core feature.

Verified inclusive employers

Overcome biased hiring processes and get noticed by more inclusive employers who are actively investing in disability inclusion. Our employers are committed to providing accommodations, creating inclusive workplaces, and making the hiring process accessible and accommodating from the start.

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Transparent process

Job Seekers have the ability to name the accommodations they need to be successful in the role. Inclusively’s transparency-driven platform brings the recruitment process out of the shadows where, traditionally, job seekers have been afraid to disclose their disability and hiring teams are hesitant to ask.
Image or several pac people representing candidate talent pools


Benefit from our community of like-minded professionals on an accessible platform. Discussions include self-disclosing, interviewing, accommodations, ableism, career development, assistive & accessible technology, news, and more.
Image or several pac people representing candidate talent pools

Helpful Resources

Employee Engagement Strategies for a Winning Workplace

Employee Engagement Strategies for a Winning Workplace

Employee Engagement in the Remote Work Landscape: Strategies for a Connected and Thriving Virtual Team

Employee Engagement in the Remote Work Landscape: Strategies for a Connected and Thriving Virtual Team

How Technology is Making Work More Accessible, Productive, and Inclusive

How Technology is Making Work More Accessible, Productive, and Inclusive