Introducing the Inclusively Leadership Board (ILB)

For HR leaders focused on solving the biggest work issues- now and in the future

An executive-focused solution that delivers custom research, data and dedicated meetings to senior HR leaders. The ILB is committed to providing insights regarding the future of work, including data, technology and policy issues. 

Repair the unsettled employee-employer relationship that’s hurting your business.

Post-pandemic expectations, demand for personalization, and growing unmet needs related to mental health and disability support have created discord and lost productivity in organizations across the board. Successful leaders are looking for insights and guidance to help support their employees and improve the employee experience. 

Success Enablers are accommodations, modifications and opportunities for workplace personalization. They help all employees reach their potential and provide access for employees with apparent and non-apparent disabilities.

Unlock exclusive insights from your fellow HR leaders.


Join our two in-person events annually as well as six-virtual learning and collaboration opportunities. Event agendas are curated by topics that members vote as most important. 

Exclusive Network

Consult with a dedicated Inclusively sponsor and experts as well as your ILB peer network on things like “how are other companies addressing AI?” or “Can you connect me with a peer grappling with X?”

Member Driven Research

ILB publishes original research on member-voted topics around data, technology and policy issues impacting the employee/employer relationship and the future of work.

Peer insights and Benchmarks

ILB members have access to our proprietary Employee Experience Assessment Survey (EEAS) to capture employee sentiment and experience regarding accommodations and disability inclusion. EEAS data drives actionable insights to ensure all employees are set up for success. 

People have been able to personalize almost every aspect of their lives. Everything is tailored, everything has an algorithm. The pandemic really provided the first opportunity to personalize work for a lot of people. Now, people want to tailor how they work. As long as it makes them productive and makes them more likely to stay — and doesn’t create an extra layer of administrative tasks for their managers — it’s a win.
Jon Singel, VP, Talent Acquisition at Lyft
Jon Singel, VP, Talent Acquisition at Lyft
People are now realizing that you can't just muscle things back to how they were before the pandemic. We have a new generation entering the workforce that was diagnosed earlier than any generation that preceded them with learning disabilities and mental health conditions. This generation has requested personalized education plans that accommodated their needs and are placing the same demands on their employers as they start their careers.
Sarah Bernard, co-founder and COO of Inclusively
Sarah Bernard, co-founder and COO of Inclusively
People are now realizing that you can't just muscle things back to how they were before the pandemic. We have a new generation entering the workforce that was diagnosed earlier than any generation that preceded them with learning disabilities and mental health conditions. This generation has requested personalized education plans that accommodated their needs and are placing the same demands on their employers as they start their careers.
Sarah Bernard, co-founder and COO of Inclusively - Premium Guide
Sarah Bernard, co-founder and COO of Inclusively
Sarah Bernard, co-founder and COO of Inclusively
You can have your cake and eat it too. You can create flexibility that actually leads to increased productivity and retention. It's not an either/or situation. You’re not opening the floodgates or a can of worms that you can’t control. Instead, you can put guardrails around this process, rather than letting it become chaotic and unmanageable.
Christina Mallon, Head of Inclusive Design at Microsoft
Christina Mallon, Head of Inclusive Design at Microsoft
You can have your cake and eat it too. You can create flexibility that actually leads to increased productivity and retention. It's not an either/or situation. You’re not opening the floodgates or a can of worms that you can’t control. Instead, you can put guardrails around this process, rather than letting it become chaotic and unmanageable.
Christina Mallon, Head of Inclusive Design at Microsoft - Premium Guide
Christina Mallon, Head of Inclusive Design at Microsoft
Christina Mallon, Head of Inclusive Design at Microsoft
We need flexibility for women in the middle layers of a company. These are the people who have the institutional knowledge of how things work; they've been here for a significant amount of time. They are in the prime of their careers but also starting families. We don’t want to lose them. If they had more flexibility, retaining them would be much easier. We’ve done a good job in building programs for this, but many other organizations are still struggling.
Judy Miller, Chief of Staff for Jamie Dimon at JP Morgan
Judy Miller, Chief of Staff for Jamie Dimon at JP Morgan
We need flexibility for women in the middle layers of a company. These are the people who have the institutional knowledge of how things work; they've been here for a significant amount of time. They are in the prime of their careers but also starting families. We don’t want to lose them. If they had more flexibility, retaining them would be much easier. We’ve done a good job in building programs for this, but many other organizations are still struggling.
Judy Miller, Chief of Staff for Jamie Dimon at JP Morgan - Premium Guide
Judy Miller, Chief of Staff for Jamie Dimon at JP Morgan
Judy Miller, Chief of Staff for Jamie Dimon at JP Morgan
People have been able to personalize almost every aspect of their lives. Everything is tailored, everything has an algorithm. The pandemic really provided the first opportunity to personalize work for a lot of people. Now, people want to tailor how they work. As long as it makes them productive and makes them more likely to stay — and doesn’t create an extra layer of administrative tasks for their managers — it’s a win.
Jon Singel, VP, Talent Acquisition at Lyft
Jon Singel, VP, Talent Acquisition at Lyft
People have been able to personalize almost every aspect of their lives. Everything is tailored, everything has an algorithm. The pandemic really provided the first opportunity to personalize work for a lot of people. Now, people want to tailor how they work. As long as it makes them productive and makes them more likely to stay — and doesn’t create an extra layer of administrative tasks for their managers — it’s a win.
Jon Singel, VP, Talent Acquisition at Lyft - Premium Guide
Jon Singel, VP, Talent Acquisition at Lyft
Jon Singel, VP, Talent Acquisition at Lyft
People are now realizing that you can't just muscle things back to how they were before the pandemic. We have a new generation entering the workforce that was diagnosed earlier than any generation that preceded them with learning disabilities and mental health conditions. This generation has requested personalized education plans that accommodated their needs and are placing the same demands on their employers as they start their careers.
Sarah Bernard, co-founder and COO of Inclusively
Sarah Bernard, co-founder and COO of Inclusively

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