Video Transcript

Meet Inclusively

Please enjoy our Meet Inclusively video and transcript, and the Audio Description video with transcript below.

Video Transcript

Narrator, middle-aged woman in friendly tone, 0:00
At Inclusively, we believe that every person deserves the opportunity to fulfill their innate potential – both in life and in the workplace. But today’s hiring practices are keeping millions of people from rewarding careers.

Like the square door you see, it only allows access to squares, screening out talent and accommodating only those who fit a very narrow mold. Inclusively helps employers open their doors to more diverse talent.

Like the door you see that can change to provide access to everyone. We put workplace accommodations front and center, connecting inclusion committed organizations to talented candidates of all identities and backgrounds who are ready to find a role that’s the perfect fit.

Inclusively: One Front Door, Open to All.


Audio Description Video & Transcript:

Animation of a yellow triangle with eyes working at a desk. It looks over at flowers and vases and inclusively. At Inclusively, we believe that every person deserves the opportunity to fulfill their innate potential, both in life and in the workplace. A purple circle with eyes looks at a laptop than a spreadsheet, like today’s hiring practices are keeping millions of people from rewarding careers for boxes. The yellow triangle has a thumbs down. The purple circle has an x so does a pink pentagon. A blue square has no label like the square door you see, it only allows access to square the pink pentagon tries to enter but a red light comes on. The blue square goes through but the purple circle and yellow triangle are denied and they move on. screening out talent and accommodating only those who fit a very narrow mold. The triangle shakes back and forth and lowers its eyes, Inclusively helps employers open their doors to more diverse talent a door opens up to a bright light. Like the door you see that can change to provide access to everyone. Braille is printed over a door shaped like a pentagon. The pink pentagon enters. As the triangle approaches, the door changes shape, it changes again for the circle and a railing comes up the blue square that enters through a square door. We put workplace accommodations front and center, the square enters and slides over to a pink circle. Other groups are formed by workers of different shapes and colors. Connecting inclusion committed organizations to talented candidates of all identities and backgrounds who are ready to find a role that’s the perfect fit. The blue square and pink circle both nod a light bulb above them. The square has a checkmark, the circle of thumbs up. One Front Door, Open to All. Inclusively.